Friday, May 13, 2011

Let us begin...

Hello. I'm Jes and I'm a poet. After completing the 2011 National Poetry Writing Month and wanting to keep myself in the habit of writing often, I've decided to challenge myself to complete 100 poems on 100 topics. Some of these topics are people, some books, some songs, some places. Some are concrete objects, and some are abstract concepts. My intention, at the end of this project, is to self-publish a book of poetry.


Let's get started! I've left comments open to anyone who wishes to leave something constructive. If I have particular requests for critique I will post them. Though not all the poem titles will be the same as the topic they are written for, I will be using the topics themselves as the official post title for each poem, to keep everything neat, and so you can look through them by topic. Enjoy!

My list of poem topics that I will be using is as follows:

1. We Will Become Silhouettes [ X ]
2. Carbon
[  ]
3. Pulchritude [ X ]
4. Tenuousness [ X ]
5. South by southwest [  ]
6. Cold Mountain, North Carolina [ X ]
7. Thunderstorms [ X ]
8. Psalms [ X ]
9. Asheville, NC [ X ]
10. James Taylor [ X ]
11. North Carolina (in general) [ X ]
12. Particle physics [ X ]
13. Isaac Asimov [  ]
14. Terraforming [  ]
15. River of Lover [ X ]
16. Bogota [  ]
17. Erinaceousness [  ]
18. Virgil [  ]
19. Zen Buddhism [  ]
20. Voodoo [  ]
21. the Arctic Circle [  ]
22. Fairytales [ X ]
23. Leonardo da Vinci [  ]
24. Dream transcription [ X ]
25. Sojourn/the Monomyth [ X ]
26. Herbalism [  ]
27. King Arthur [  ]
28. Gothic style [ X ]
29. Change [ X ]
30. Heirlooms [ X ]
31. Texture [ X ]
32. the Universe [ X ]
33. the 'Verse [  ]
34. Quietness [ X ]
35. Immortality [  ]
36. My Hands [  ]
37. Famous Quotation [  ]
38. Classical Composition [  ]
39. Thunderbird [ X ]
40. Drowning [ X ]
41. Down to Earth [ X ]
42. Superfluidity [  ]
43. Piezoelectric Surfaces [  ]
44. Personhood [  ]
45. Constellations [  ]
46. Hitchhiking [  ]
47. Electricity [ X ]
48. Folklore [ X ]
49. History of Writing [  ]
50. Weaving [ X ]
51. Bonfire [  ]
52. Salt of the Earth [ X ]
53. Enigma [  ]
54. Hermit [  ]
55. Language [  ]
56. Thought [ X ]
57. Cliff Diving [  ]
58. Fear [ X ]
59. Boundaries [ X ]
60. Flightless Bird, American Mouth [  ]
61. Soul [ X ]
62. Quartz Crystal [  ]
63. Eclipse [ X ]
64. Python [ X ]
65. Steam [ X ]
66. Elementals [  ]
67. Hippy [  ]
68. Ice [  ]
69. the Nine Muses [  ]
70. Alice [ X ]
71. Technology and Humanity [  ]
72. June flowers [ X ]
73. Frivolous [  ]
74. Taoism [  ]
75. Comers Rock, Virginia [ X ]
76. Black-Eyed Susans [  ]
77. Where Our Destination Lies [  ]
78. Sapience [  ]
79. Good Omens [  ]
80. Puzzle Pieces [  ]
81. South African Tea [ X ]
82. Odysseus [  ]
83. Hinduism [  ]
84. Hermaphrodeities [  ]
85. Barefoot [  ]
86. Divination [  ]
87. Grapefruit [  ]
88. Rocks and Water [ X ]
89. Equinox [ X ]
90. Time [ X ]
91. Resurrection/Reincarnation [ X ]
92. Qualia [  ]
93. Complexity from Simplicity (Emergence) [  ]
94. Luck [  ]
95. Satellite [  ]
96. Magpie to the Morning [ X ]
97. Albert Einstein [  ]
98. Death [ X ]
99. Vincent Van Gogh [ X ]
100. Cycle [ X ]

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